HCA 263: Physician Practice Management 2

Course Description

This course is a continuation of the exploration of the knowledge and skills needed to manage a physician practice. Topics included will be: regulatory and compliance concepts, use of technology in the medical office, information technology, medical office policies and procedures, accounting and payroll, billing and collections, health insurance, medical coding, quality improvement, risk management, disaster planning, and marketing the physician practice. (3 credits)


  • HCA 261: Physician Practice Management 1

Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs)

Students who successfully complete this course will be able to:

  1. Apply regulatory and compliance concepts.
  2. Analyze use of technology in the medical office.
  3. Write medical office policies and procedures.
  4. Apply principles of accounting and payroll.
  5. Apply principles of billing and collections.
  6. Examine health insurance concepts, including ACO.
  7. Examine considerations surrounding the use of medical coding in a physician practice.
  8. Demonstrate principles of quality improvement.
  9. Apply principles of risk management and disaster planning.
  10. Demonstrate marketing the physician practice.

Course Activities and Grading


Discussions (Weeks 1-8)


Quizzes (Weeks 1-8)


Written Assignments (Weeks 1-8)




Required Textbooks

Available through Charter Oak State College's Book Bundle

  • Malone, C. Medical Office Management. 2nded. Pearson Publishing, 2018. ISBN-13: 9780134868288

    • Note: This textbook is also used in HCA 261.

Course Schedule

WeekSLOsReadings and ExercisesAssignments



Topic: Regulatory and Compliance

  • Readings:
    • Medical Office Management, Chapter 9
    • PowerPoint presentation
    • Lecture
    • Websites
  • Review Getting Started information
  • Review course syllabus
  • Read assigned chapters
  • Review the lecture material
  • Introduce yourself in discussion forum
  • Participate in the Discussion
  • Written assignment: Develop Compliance Continuing Education
  • Quiz



Topic: Technology in the Medical Office

  • Readings:
    • Medical Office Management, Chapter 10
    • PowerPoint presentation
  • Read assigned chapters
  • Review the lecture material
  • Participate in the Discussion
  • Written assignment: Evaluate Electronic Health Records
  • Quiz



Topic: Office Policies and Procedures

  • Readings:
    • Medical Office Management, Chapter 11
    • PowerPoint presentation
  • Read assigned chapters
  • Review the lecture material
  • Participate in the Discussion
  • Written assignment: Create Medical Office Policy/Procedure Documentation
  • Quiz



Topics: Accounting and Payroll

  • Readings:
    • Medical Office Management, Chapter 12
    • PowerPoint presentation
  • Read assigned chapter
  • Review the lecture material
  • Participate in the Discussion
  • Written assignment: Evaluate Payroll Requirements
  • Quiz



Topic: Billing and Collections

  • Readings:
    • Medical Office Management, Chapter 13
    • PowerPoint presentation
  • Read assigned chapter
  • Review the lecture material
  • Participate in the Discussion
  • Written assignment: Collections Policy and Procedure
  • Quiz



Topic: Health Insurance Concepts and Medical Coding

  • Readings:
    • Medical Office Management, Chapters 14 and 15
    • PowerPoint presentations
  • Read assigned chapters
  • Review the lecture material
  • Participate in the Discussion
  • Written assignment: Health Insurance Staff Education
  • Quiz



Topic: Quality Improvement and Risk Management

  • Readings:
    • Medical Office Management, Chapter 16
    • PowerPoint presentation
  • Read assigned chapter
  • Review the lecture material
  • Participate in the Discussion
  • Written assignment: Risk Management Scenarios
  • Quiz



Topic: Marketing

  • Readings:
    • Medical Office Management, Chapter 17
    • PowerPoint presentation
  • Read assigned chapter
  • Review the lecture material
  • Participate in the Discussion
  • Written assignment: Create a Marketing Plan
  • Quiz
  • Complete Course Evaluation

COSC Accessibility Statement

Charter Oak State College encourages students with disabilities, including non-visible disabilities such as chronic diseases, learning disabilities, head injury, attention deficit/hyperactive disorder, or psychiatric disabilities, to discuss appropriate accommodations with the Office of Accessibility Services at OAS@charteroak.edu.

COSC Policies, Course Policies, Academic Support Services and Resources

Students are responsible for knowing all Charter Oak State College (COSC) institutional policies, course-specific policies, procedures, and available academic support services and resources. Please see COSC Policies for COSC institutional policies, and see also specific policies related to this course. See COSC Resources for information regarding available academic support services and resources.