CSS 490: Cyber Security Capstone

Course Description

This course serves as the Capstone for the Charter Oak State College Cyber Security Concentration. Using a semester long “real world” project of developing a “Request for Proposal (RFP)” for a comprehensive cybersecurity assessment of an enterprise of their choosing, CSS 490 covers a wide spectrum of information technology and cybersecurity skills essential for present and future cyber security analysts. (3 credits)


  • ENG 101: English Composition 1
  • ENG 102: English Composition 2
  • ITE 145: Fundamentals of Information Systems Security OR CSS 101 Cybersecurity Fundamentals

Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs)

Students who successfully complete this course will be able to:

  1. Identify the objectives and detailed requirements of an Information Technology (IT) security services RFP.
  2. Explain the procedures of a vendor bidder's conference.
  3. Plan for and perform a security compliance gap analysis.
  4. Assess the effectiveness of existing security controls.
  5. Conduct an enterprise-wide security assessment.
  6. Prepare a qualitative risk and security assessment report.
  7. Develop a plan to mitigate risks identified during the risk and security assessment.
  8. Identify Business Impact Analysis (BIA), Business Continuity Plan (BCP), and Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP) requirements that meet client's needs.
  9. Design a layered security solution to protect IT assets.
  10. Present a formal RFP response.

Course Activities and Grading


Technical Assessments (Weeks 1-7)


Outline RFP (Week 4)


Draft RFP (Week 6)


Final RFP (Week 8)




Required Textbooks

  • There are no required textbooks, however, students may find it helpful to refer to materials from previous courses.

Course Schedule



Readings and Exercises




Topic: Release of an RFP for Security Assessment Services

  • Readings:
    • Review the Government RFP for Information Security Assessment Services
  • Review the research material
  • Participate in the Discussions (Technical Assessment)
  • Begin working on Capstone Project



Topics: RFP Bidder’s Conference and Security Policy Framework Gap Analysis

  • Readings:
    • Review the Government RFP for Information Security Assessment Services
  • Review the research material
  • Participate in the Discussions (Technical Assessment)
  • Continue working on Capstone Project



Topics: Security Controls for Privacy Data and Conducting a Security Assessment

  • Readings:
    • Review the Government RFP for Information Security Assessment Services
  • Review the research material
  • Participate in the Discussions (Technical Assessment)
  • Continue working on Capstone Project



Topics: Developing the Security Assessment Report and Mitigating Identified Risks and Security Concerns

  • Readings:
    • Review the Government RFP for Information Security Assessment Services
  • Review the research material
  • Participate in the Discussions (Technical Assessment)
  • Submit RFP Outline



Topics: Identifying BCP, BIA, and DRP Requirements

  • Readings:
    • Review the Government RFP for Information Security Assessment Services
  • Review the research material
  • Participate in the Discussions (Technical Assessment)
  • Continue working on Capstone Project



Topic: Layered Security Solutions

  • Readings:
    • Review the Government RFP for Information Security Assessment Services
  • Review the research material
  • Participate in the Discussions (Technical Assessment)
  • Submit RFP Draft



Topic: Technical Assessment

  • Readings:
    • Review the Government RFP for Information Security Assessment Services
  • Participate in the Discussions (Technical Assessment)



Topic: Final RFP

  • Readings:
    • Review the Government RFP for Information Security Assessment Services
  • Submit Final RFP
  • Complete the Course Evaluation

COSC Accessibility Statement

Charter Oak State College encourages students with disabilities, including non-visible disabilities such as chronic diseases, learning disabilities, head injury, attention deficit/hyperactive disorder, or psychiatric disabilities, to discuss appropriate accommodations with the Office of Accessibility Services at OAS@charteroak.edu.

COSC Policies, Course Policies, Academic Support Services and Resources

Students are responsible for knowing all Charter Oak State College (COSC) institutional policies, course-specific policies, procedures, and available academic support services and resources. Please see COSC Policies for COSC institutional policies, and see also specific policies related to this course. See COSC Resources for information regarding available academic support services and resources.