ECO 103: Macroeconomics

Course Description

This course will focus on a survey of macro-economic theory with emphasis on resource allocation in a mixed enterprise economy. The concentration of the course is on the operation of the market mechanism, the role of government and labor, national income determination and accounting, monetary and fiscal policy, and neoclassical synthesis. (3 credits)


  • None

Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs)

Students who successfully complete this course will be able to:

  1. Understand and explain basic macroeconomic terms, concepts and methodology and use them to analyze macroeconomic variables such as income level, employment, inflation and interest rates.
  2. Explain why economists apply the scientific method to model an economy and demonstrate how everyone is better off with trade.
  3. Assess the possibility that various policy options would improve economic growth and efficiency in an economy.
  4. Describe the contemporary banking and monetary system, and analyze the role of money, credit, and Federal Reserve monetary policy.
  5. Apply economic reasoning to better understand real world policy issues such as unemployment, inflation and international trade.

Course Activities and Grading


Discussions (Weeks 1-8)


Quizzes (Weeks 1-8)


Written Assignments (Weeks 3 & 6)


Final Exam (Week 8)




Required Textbooks

Available through Charter Oak State College's Book Bundle

    • N. Gregory Mankiw. Principles of Macroeconomics. Cengage Learning Inc., Boston, MA. 10th ed., 2024. ISBN-13: 978-0-357-72296-1


Course Schedule



Readings and Exercises




Topics: Ten Principles of Economics and Thinking Like an Economist

  • Readings:
    • Chapter 1
    • Chapter 2
  • Read assigned chapters
  • Participate in the Discussions
  • Review the Lecture material
  • Complete Quiz



Topics: Interdependence and Gains from Trade and the Market Forces of Demand and Supply

  • Readings:
    • Chapter 3
    • Chapter 4
  • Read assigned chapters
  • Participate in the Discussions
  • Review the Lecture material
  • Complete Quiz



Topics: The Data of Macroeconomics: Measuring a Nation’s Income and Cost of Living

  • Readings:
    • Chapter 10
    • Chapter 11
  • Read assigned chapters
  • Participate in the Discussions
  • Review the Lecture material
  • Complete Quiz
  • Submit Written Assignment 1



Topic: The Real Economy in the Long Run

  • Readings:
    • Chapter 12
    • Chapter 13
    • Chapter 15
  • Read assigned chapters
  • Participate in the Discussions
  • Review the Lecture material
  • Complete Quiz



Topics: Money and Prices in the Long Run

  • Readings:
    • Chapter 16
    • Chapter 17
  • Read assigned chapter
  • Participate in the Discussions
  • Review the Lecture material
  • Complete Quiz



Topics: The Macroeconomics of Open Economies

  • Readings:
    • Chapter 18
    • Chapter 19
  • Read assigned chapters
  • Participate in the Discussions
  • Review the Lecture material
  • Complete Quiz
  • Submit Written Assignment 2



Topics: Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply

  • Readings:
    • Chapter 20
  • Read assigned chapter
  • Participate in the Discussions
  • Review the Lecture material
  • Complete Quiz



Topics: The Influence of Monetary and Fiscal Policy on Aggregate Demand

  • Readings:
    • Chapter 21
  • Read assigned chapter
  • Participate in the Discussions
  • Review the Lecture material
  • Complete Quiz
  • Complete Final Exam
  • Complete Course Evaluation

Final Exam
Chapters: All
SLOs: All

COSC Accessibility Statement

Charter Oak State College encourages students with disabilities, including non-visible disabilities such as chronic diseases, learning disabilities, head injury, attention deficit/hyperactive disorder, or psychiatric disabilities, to discuss appropriate accommodations with the Office of Accessibility Services at

COSC Policies, Course Policies, Academic Support Services and Resources

Students are responsible for knowing all Charter Oak State College (COSC) institutional policies, course-specific policies, procedures, and available academic support services and resources. Please see COSC Policies for COSC institutional policies, and see also specific policies related to this course. See COSC Resources for information regarding available academic support services and resources.