HIM 237: Cancer Registry Data Analytics, Quality, and Utilization

Course Description

This course will provide an introduction to data analytics and cancer statistics. This course will emphasize the use of cancer registry within hospitals, central cancer registries, and nationally. Students will receive an overview of report preparation and presentation of cancer registry data. This course will also cover quality control of cancer registry data within the hospital and central cancer registry levels. (3 credits)


  • BIO 212: Anatomy & Physiology
  • BIO 215: Pathophysiology
  • HCA 105: Medical Terminology
  • HIM 230: Introduction to Cancer Registry and Management
  • HIM 231: Cancer Registry Operations

Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs)

Upon successful completion of the course, the student will be able to:

  1. Interpret basic epidemiology and statistics.
  2. Illustrate how to present cancer registry data in tables, charts, and graphs in a hospital registry setting.
  3. Describe how cancer registry data is used in a central cancer registry setting.
  4. Explain how cancer registry data is used at the national level.
  5. Describe the importance of cancer registry data.
  6. Differentiate how cancer data is used in a hospital, central registry, and national level.
  7. Apply principals to perform quality control of cancer registry data in a hospital, central registry, or national setting.

Course Activities and Grading

Note: A "C" grade or higher must be earned to pass this course.

Letter GradePercentage
A -90.0-92.9 
B -80.0-82.9 
C +77.0-79.9 
F72.99% and below


Discussions (Weeks 1-8)


Quizzes (Weeks 1, 2, 3, 6, 7)


Presentation - What is Your State’s Cancer Burden? (Week 4)


Primary Cancer Analysis Paper (Week 5)


Final Exam (Week 8)




Required Textbooks

Available through Charter Oak State College's Book Bundle

  • National Cancer Registrars Association. Cancer Registry Management Principles and Practice for Hospitals and Central Registries. 4th ed. NCRA, 2021. ISBN-13: 9781732917835

    • Note: This textbook is used in most of the Cancer Registry Management courses and should be saved for preparation for the CTR exam.

Course Schedule



Readings and Exercises




Topic: Basic Principles of Statistics

  • Read the following sections of Chapter 18: Statistics and Epidemiology:

    • Types of Data
    • Frequency Distribution
    • Describing Data with Statistics
    • Measures of Central Tendency
    • Measures of Variability
    • Statistical Tests
    • Hypothesis Testing
    • Identifying the Proper Statistical Tests
    • Tools for Data Analysis
    • Microsoft Excel
    • Statistical Software
  • Review course syllabus
  • Read assigned chapter
  • Review assigned link
  • Review the lecture material
  • Participate in the discussions
  • Submit Week 1 Quiz



Topic: Basic Principles of Epidemiology

  • Read the following sections of Chapter 18: Statistics and Epidemiology:

    • Types of Prevention
    • Epidemiological Reasoning
    • Measures of Disease Frequency
    • Incidence
    • Measures of Excess Risk
    • Screening
    • Survival Analysis
  • Read assigned chapter
  • Review the lecture material
  • Participate in the discussions
  • Submit Week 2 Quiz



Topics: Study Designs, Cancer Registry Research, and Hospital Use

  • Read the following sections of Chapter 18: Statistics and Epidemiology:
    • Cancer Data Presentation
  • Read Chapter 19: Registry Research
  • Read assigned chapter
  • Review the lecture material
  • Participate in the discussions
  • Submit Week 3 Quiz



Topic: Cancer Registry Data Use in State Cancer Registries

  • Find your state cancer registry website and review its contents

  • Review assigned link
  • Review the lecture material
  • Participate in the discussions
  • Submit Week 4 Presentation - What is Your State’s Cancer Burden?



Topic: Cancer Registry Data Use at the National Level

  • Read Chapter 20: Cancer Registry Data and the Impact on Public Health
  • Read assigned chapter
  • Review assigned links
  • Review the lecture material
  • Participate in the discussions
  • Submit Week 5 Paper - Primary Cancer Analysis



Topic: Quality Control in a Hospital Cancer Registry

  • Read Chapter 14: Ensuring Data Quality

    • NOTE: Stop reading at "Ensuring Quality at the Central Cancer Registry"

  • Read assigned chapter
  • Review assigned link
  • Review the lecture material
  • Participate in the discussions
  • Submit Week 6 Quiz



Topics: Quality Control in a Central Cancer Registry

  • Read Chapter 14: Ensuring Data Quality

    • NOTE: Start reading at "Ensuring Quality at the Central Cancer Registry"

  • Read assigned chapter
  • Review the lecture material
  • Participate in the discussions
  • Submit Week 7 Quiz



Topics: Overview of Cancer Data Use and Quality Control

  • Review all chapter readings.

  • Review all lecture materials.


  • Review all previously assigned chapters
  • Review all lecture material
  • Participate in the discussions
  • Submit Week 8 Final Exam
  • Complete Course Evaluation

COSC Accessibility Statement

Charter Oak State College encourages students with disabilities, including non-visible disabilities such as chronic diseases, learning disabilities, head injury, attention deficit/hyperactive disorder, or psychiatric disabilities, to discuss appropriate accommodations with the Office of Accessibility Services at OAS@charteroak.edu.

COSC Policies, Course Policies, Academic Support Services and Resources

Students are responsible for knowing all Charter Oak State College (COSC) institutional policies, course-specific policies, procedures, and available academic support services and resources. Please see COSC Policies for COSC institutional policies, and see also specific policies related to this course. See COSC Resources for information regarding available academic support services and resources.