MGT 371: Logistics and Supply Chain Management

Course Description

This course is designed to give the student a perspective into logistics and supply chain management and the practical application of these topics. The course will focus on the physical movement of material and all of the components that make up supply chain management. (3 credits)


  • ENG 101: English Composition 1
  • ENG 102: English Composition 2
  • ACC 102: Managerial Accounting (Recommended)
  • BUS 250: International Business (Recommended)
  • MGT 101: Principles of Management (Recommended)
  • MKT 220: Principles of Marketing (Recommended)

Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs)

Students who successfully complete this course will be able to:

  1. Recognize and comprehend basic industry terms and language.
  2. Compare and contrast the differences in small parcel verses LTL trucking and the advantages and disadvantages to both.
  3. Evaluate and analyze the different methods of domestic transportation and how to apply them.
  4. Explain the different methods of transportation and how to assess those modes in the international arena.
  5. Comprehend and explain the full spectrum of international logistics.
  6. Describe the different selling terms used in international business and show how to apply them.
  7. Demonstrate how distribution fits into the supply chain management model.
  8. Discuss the meaning of third party logistics and to assess the need for outsourcing.

Course Activities and Grading


Weekly Discussions


Weekly Written Assignments


Quiz (Week 1)


Papers (Weeks 2 ,4, 6 & 7)


Tests (Weeks 3 & 5)


Final Exam (Week 8)




Required Textbooks

Available through Charter Oak State College's Book Bundle

  • Hinkelman, Edward. Dictionary of International Trade. 13th ed. World Trade Press, 2020. ISBN-10: 1-60780-055-1 or ISBN-13: 978-1-60780-055-2

Course Schedule



Readings and Exercises




Topics: Basic Terminology, Acronyms, & Definitions

  • After this unit, the students will recognize and comprehend basic industry terms and language
  • Readings:
    • Dictionary of International Trade (pg. 6-221)
    • Appendix: Acronyms and Abbreviations (pg. 222-241)
  • Read assigned chapters
  • Review the Lecture material
  • Post Student Introductions
  • Participate in the Discussions
  • Geography knowledge (USA & world)
  • Student profiles
  • Write-up on what logistics and supply chain means to you (not graded)



Topic: Domestic Transportation Systems

  • After this unit, the students will be able to compare and contrast the differences in small parcel vs LTL trucking and the advantages and disadvantages to both
  • Readings:
    • Free online magazines for transportation and logistics
  • Read assigned material
  • Review the Lecture material
  • Participate in the Discussions
  • Write-up on 2 articles read
  • Rate small package shipment examples
  • Rate LTL examples



Topic: Domestic Transportation Systems (cont...)

  • After this unit, the students will be able to evaluate and analyze the different methods of domestic transportation and how to apply them
  • Readings:
    • Free online magazines for transportation and logistics
  • Read assigned material
  • Review the Lecture material
  • Participate in the Discussion
  • Domestic transportation test (weeks 2 & 3)



Topic: International Transportation Systems

  • After this unit, the students will be able to explain the different methods of transpotation and how to assess those modes in the international arena
  • Readings:
    • Free online magazines for transportation and logistics
    • Paper, Part 1
  • Read assigned material
  • Review the Lecture material
  • Participate in the Discussion
  • Rate example shipments using a sample tariff
  • Paper on how your company or selected company uses international transportation to meet its global strategies



Topic: International Transportation Systems (cont...)

  • After this unit, the students will comprehend and explain the full spectrum of international logistics
  • Readings:
    • Appendix: Global Supply Chain Security (pg. 643-731)
    • Free online magazines for transportation and logistics
  • Read assigned material
  • Review the Lecture material
  • Participate in the Discussion:Â
  • International transportation test (weeks 4 & 5)



Topic: Sourcing

  • After this unit, the students will be able to describe the different selling terms used in international business and show how to apply them.
  • Readings:
    • Appendix - Guide to INCOTERMS (pg. 293-317)
    • Appendix - Guide to International Sourcing (Outsourcing) (pg. 619-642)
    • Free online magazines for transportation and logistics
    • Paper, Part 2
  • Read assigned material
  • Review the Lecture material
  • Participate in the Discussion
  • Paper on taking product from last paper and selling a it globally, how would you decide where to source, what INCOTERMS would you use and why?



Topic: Distribution/Warehousing

  • After this unit, the students will be able to demonstrate how distribution fits into the supply chain managment model
  • Readings:
    • Free online magazines for transportation and logistics
    • Part 3
  • Read assigned material
  • Review the Lecture material
  • Participate in the Discussion
  • Paper on taking the product from last two papers and talk about how you would go about identifying where to distribute the product, the type of transportation you would use, and why




Topic: 3PL/Outsourcing

  • After this unit, the students will be able to discuss the meaning of third party logistics and to assess the need for outsourcing
  • Readings:
    • Free online magazines for transportation and logistics
  • Read assigned material
  • Review the Lecture material
  • Participate in the Discussion
  • Complete Final Exam
  • Complete the Course Evaluation

Final Exam
Exam covers material from weeks 1-8 with emphasis on weeks 6-8
SLOs 1-8

COSC Accessibility Statement

Charter Oak State College encourages students with disabilities, including non-visible disabilities such as chronic diseases, learning disabilities, head injury, attention deficit/hyperactive disorder, or psychiatric disabilities, to discuss appropriate accommodations with the Office of Accessibility Services at

COSC Policies, Course Policies, Academic Support Services and Resources

Students are responsible for knowing all Charter Oak State College (COSC) institutional policies, course-specific policies, procedures, and available academic support services and resources. Please see COSC Policies for COSC institutional policies, and see also specific policies related to this course. See COSC Resources for information regarding available academic support services and resources.