TEC 499: Technology Studies Capstone

Course Description

In this capstone contract course, students demonstrate fulfillment of the various outcomes of their concentration courses. Each student will complete the capstone project to demonstrate that the student understands clearly his or her concentration, has mastered the content of the selected field(s) of study, and can synthesize and apply what he or she has learned. The capstone project may take one of several formats: a research paper, scholarly essay, portfolio, presentation of creative work, business plan, case study, or any other mode appropriate to the student’s interest and experience. A minimum grade of “C” must be earned to meet the requirements of the concentration. (3 credits)

Technology Studies Concentration

The Technology Studies concentration is appropriate for students interested in high-level technician and technical management positions. This concentration differs from the Engineering Studies concentration in that it has an applications focus and does not require the same levels of mathematics and science. The concentration attempts to do two things. First, it provides students with the necessary foundational courses that will help ensure success in upper level courses and allow them to continue learning beyond the degree. Second, the concentration affords students the flexibility to design a technological concentration for a particular field or career path. The Technology Studies concentration is appropriate for students interested in high-level technician and technical management positions.



  • Students must have completed most of their concentration courses and take this course in their last semester. Academic Counselor approval is required to register.


Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs)

Students who graduate with a concentration in Technology Studies will be able to:

  1. collect, analyze and interpret information, which includes:
    1. using current computer applications;
    2. accessing technical information and materials from a variety of sources;
    3. collecting, analyzing, interpreting and reporting statistical data, i.e., descriptive statistics and graphing; and
    4. representing one's ideas graphically, e.g., computer-aided drafting and design, modeling, sketching;
  2. explain and analyze the social, psychological, political, economic and environmental impacts of technology, including
    1. the ramifications of rapid technological change;
    2. the history of and need for governmental regulation;
    3. appropriate safety regulations and practices to function safely within a technical environment; and
    4. the ability to evaluate and choose appropriate technologies to satisfy needs and solve problems in a global economy;
  3. demonstrate technical competencies in a functional area of technology appropriate to the pursuit of a degree. These competencies will vary over time and by specialization. The specialization may include but is not limited to:
    1. Graphics Civil and/or Construction Engineering;
    2. Electricity and/or Electronics;
    3. Industrial and/or Public Safety;
    4. Manufacturing and/or Automation;
    5. Environmental bio-related technology;
    6. Telecommunications;
  4. perform mathematical calculations appropriate to their technical specialty and be able to determine when a particular mathematical operation is required;
  5. apply scientific principles appropriate to their technical specialty; and
  6. demonstrate leadership and decision-making skills, including the ability to:
    1. identify and describe a problem/issue;
    2. find relationships and draw conclusions;
    3. determine "optimal" or "best" solutions among several alternatives;
    4. determine strategies for implementation; and
    5. evaluate decision-making and action based on various criteria, e.g., ethics, efficiency, principles of TQM; and work cooperatively in teams.


Course Activities and Grading


3 Assignments @ 10 points each (Weeks 2, 4 & 6)



Capstone Project (Final project) (Week 8)






Required Textbooks

  • There are no required textbooks to purchase, however, students may find it helpful to refer to materials from previous courses.

Course Schedule




  • Review course policies found in current Course Schedule at http://www.charteroak.edu
  • Review learning outcomes of the concentration
  • Consider topics and format for project
  • Engage in discussion with Mentor about project 
  • Begin project work


  • Continue project work
  • Engage in discussion with Mentor about project
  • Submit Initial Draft of project proposal to Mentor: Assignment worth 10 points


  • Continue project work
  • Engage in discussion with Mentor about project (as needed)
  • Review Mentor comments regarding proposal


  • Continue project work
  • Engage in discussion with Mentor about project (as needed)
  • Submit Project Draft # 1 to Mentor: Assignment worth 10 points


  • Continue project work
  • Engage in discussion with Mentor about project


  • Submit Project Draft #2 to Mentor: Assignment worth 10 points
  • Continue project work
  • Engage in discussion with instructor about project (as needed)


  • Submit Project Draft #3 to Mentor if required or if requested by student
  • Continue project work
  • Engage in discussion with instructor about project (as needed)


  • Submit Final Project to Mentor for grading: Assignment worth 70 points.
  • Complete the Course Evaluation

COSC Accessibility Statement

Charter Oak State College encourages students with disabilities, including non-visible disabilities such as chronic diseases, learning disabilities, head injury, attention deficit/hyperactive disorder, or psychiatric disabilities, to discuss appropriate accommodations with the Office of Accessibility Services at OAS@charteroak.edu.

COSC Policies, Course Policies, Academic Support Services and Resources

Students are responsible for knowing all Charter Oak State College (COSC) institutional policies, course-specific policies, procedures, and available academic support services and resources. Please see COSC Policies for COSC institutional policies, and see also specific policies related to this course. See COSC Resources for information regarding available academic support services and resources.