More than 19,000 people have earned degrees from Charter Oak State College. They are a diverse group of remarkable individuals who have used their degrees to achieve career advancement, personal empowerment, and advanced academic degrees. We are extremely proud of their accomplishments!
Career Advancement
"Within one month of graduation, I received a promotion with a $10,000 raise! A year later, I transferred to a position that is related to my degree and I love my job. Next year I will be starting my own consulting company."
Rochelle Chambers, BS, '04
Business Systems Associate
Indianapolis, IN
"After obtaining my BS degree, I received a promotion with an increased monetary reward and now enjoy more career possibilities within my company. Education provided by Charter Oak enabled me the potential to earn more and gain career satisfaction."
Christopher J. Hunt, BS, '01
Sr. Process Engineer
Gansevoort, NY
"I am reaping the benefits of my Charter Oak degree already. My employer has upgraded my position, increased my salary and established a plan of action for further career development."
Betsy Woodward, BS, '00
Benefits Administrator
Columbia, SC
"My Charter Oak degree was instrumental in my being promoted to my current position. I don't think I would have had the opportunity to become Program Director without it."
Colleen Kruger, BA, '99
Director of Continuing and Professional Education
Hartford, CT
"As an adult learner, I was interested in a school that offered accelerated programs but, more importantly, treated students like adults. Charter Oak helped me meet both objectives. I truly believe my Charter Oak B.S. helped me achieve my recent promotion."
Deborah Bennett, BS, '02
Senior Manager, Human Resources
Macon, GA
For more information on our graduates' careers, read about Our Grads at Work.
Personal Empowerment
"The Charter Oak program has been a perfect fit in my life. Combining a job and parenting while completing a degree has been a challenge. Charter Oak has definitely made a seemingly impossible task possible."
Julie DeNicola, BS, '99
Image Consultant
Newtown, CT
"I left college some years ago very close to a degree. It had always concerned me that I never finished. The Charter Oak program perfectly met my degree needs. I finally erased a longstanding regret."
John Palochko, BA, '00
Senior Programming Analyst
Glastonbury, CT
"Thanks COSC for the great opportunity to earn a degree. I particularly enjoyed the various ways of obtaining credit that helped keep the process interesting. I found the Individualized Studies concentration rewarding as it allowed me to take advantage of my experiences and tailor a degree accordingly. Although I am self-employed, a COSC degree gives me the added confidence to compete in the business world.
Dan Doyle, BS, '06
San Diego, CA
Advanced Academic Degrees
"I feel that the concerted administrative push from Charter Oak to assure I received my BA was instrumental in my acceptance into law school."
Brenda Page, BA, '05
Law Student
Green Cove Springs, FL
"As far as I was able to ascertain there was only one significant difference in the education that I received at Charter Oak from previous traditional colleges that I had attended. That difference was; if I had chosen the traditional college route I would still be dreaming about returning to school to work on a bachelor's degree instead of completing graduate school. Thank you for delivering on your promise of degrees without boundaries!"
John DeCarlo, BS, '04
Chief of Police
Branford, CT